Friday, November 1, 2013


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we'd like to take a moment to share the details of a special project with you. At Maria Luisa, we like to think we are a family - and that extends to not only our customers but the community as a whole.
In that spirit, we are creating four very special display windows. These will not only be brimming with beautiful gifts, clothing, accessories and home goods for our customers to purchase and share with their loved ones - but also an underlying message. We will be basing these window displays on canned and packaged foods that will be, at first, used as props.
Maria and her staff will be donating their favorite foods to start the windows. We hope you will join our extended Thanksgiving family and bring in any canned or packaged food that you can spare to help us create the most beautiful and bountiful windows that in turn will help our brothers and sisters in need. Every new item will be incorporated into the window as it arrives – and as a thank you, we will give you 10 percent off any single item you then purchase. So come in and watch the bounty grow - and know that we will be sharing those donated goods with People to People, who will ensure they are passed along to those who can use a hand during this season of abundance and sharing.

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